This is an example of how to SELECT with
WHERE using "isin"
WHERE using NOT "isin"

The tables on this page are draggable
<<<<<< The Left SQL used on this page
 SELECT name |<SPAN STYLE='color: #FF0000;'>breed</SPAN>|,
    instinct |<SPAN STYLE='background: steelblue;'>usage</SPAN>|,
      family |<SPAN STYLE='background: steelblue; color: #FFFFFF'>pedigree</SPAN>|,
     height  |<SPAN STYLE='border: 1px solid #0000FF;'>height</SPAN>|
   FROM dog
  WHERE instinct isin 'hunting,swimming,attacking'
 FORMAT table
TABLEHEADER instinct isin 'hunting,swimming,attacking'
    DIV box1
The Right SQL used on this page          >>>>>>>>
  SELECT name |BREED|,
     instinct |INSTINCT|,
       family |PEDIGREE|,
       height |HEIGHT|
    FROM dog
   WHERE instinct NOT isin 'hunting,swimming,attacking'
ORDER BY instinct
  FORMAT table
  TABLEHEADER instinct NOT isin 'hunting,swimming,attacking'
     DIV box2